Wednesday, October 10, 2007

English Drama Adapted From Chinese Opera

I was flipping some books on stage scenery in Lasalle's library this afternoon when I came across one design for this particular English drama that was adapted from Chinese opera. I had actually read the original script when I was in Primary school, but curious at how the English adaptation would be like, I did a search on the net, and found a relevant picture, taken in around the 50s.

The title of this show is called "Lady Precious Stream". Can anyone make a guess what is the Chinese opera equivalent to this show? One clue: this show is very popular in Gezi opera, and one of the songs in the show is even like the "anthem" of the genre!


Anonymous said...

I guess it is about Wang Bao Chuan and Xie Ping Gui. I think Lady Precious Stream was a literature textbook in lower sec many years ago.

A.C. said...

Bingo! That's the original source for this show. Anyway, I think the English adaptation is rather close to the Chinese opera one, but depending on which genre you reference to. Only thing I dislike is the writing style of the author/ translator. He made the characters in the show sounded like aliens coming from beyond our galaxy!