Monday, October 22, 2007

Hari Raya Puasa Gathering

I went for a Hari Raya Puasa gathering organised by one of my Muslim classmates last Saturday. It was like more than a decade since the last time I was invited to such gatherings. I remembered when I was still a young child, I used to have a Muslim next-door neighbour, and every year for Hari Raya Puasa, they'd never fail to bring trays of festive goodies for us.

Anyway, this gathering was sort of "unusual" for our class, as about half the class turned up, a figure which is hard to achieve for some of our lessons! So we ate and watched TV for the evening, while some of us went into my classmate's room to jam on their guitars. One thing I have to say is our class has got many talented musicians! I wished I could join in, but as my genre of guitar playing (classical) don't quite fit in, so I could just stay within the room and just be a spectator!

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